Het is hier meer dan 30 graden, dus dan zoeken de jongens wel verkoeling op. Op het balkon in een badje is lekker en leuk!
It has been more than 30 degrees, so the boys are looking for some refreshing places. On the balcony in a little pool is it cool and fun!
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Engelse group BBQ bij chata/ English group at chata
Christa has been with the English group at the chata. They have had a Biblstudy there, but also had a BBQ and sang some songs. As be seen on the picture they seem to have a good time.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Trefdag/ Family and Friends Day
Every year the Family and Friends Day is organised in Brno. This is a national day of The Salvation Army and there are many different activities. There is football for adults, but also for kids. There are meetings for adults and a kidschurch. In the times in between there is the opportunity to relax, enjoy the nice weather, but also to play a game of MAD. (PS: the untrained team became 2nd in the tournament)
Tom's circusshow!!!
In nursery worden leuke dingen geoprganiseerd en dan soms mogen ouders komen kijken. In Tom's nursery hadden ze een soort circus georganiseerd en alle kinderen hadden een rol. Tom was de vuurvreter en zijn grote vriend Premek was de leeuw (zie foto).
The teachers in nursery organise nice things and once in a while the parents have the opportunity to come and watch. In Tom's nursery was a circus and all the kids had their part to play. Tom was the fire-eater and his big friend Premek was the lion (see picture).
Een zooitje/ A mess
Matous heeft een abonnement op een Shrek tijdschrift en daar staan experimenten in. Hier is Matous een experiment aan het doen dat een behoorlijke bende kan geven (maar wel leuk is!).
Matous has a subscription on a Shrek magazine and in the magazine are many experiments. In the clip Matous is doing an experiment, which gives quite a mess (but it is fun!).
Matous has a subscription on a Shrek magazine and in the magazine are many experiments. In the clip Matous is doing an experiment, which gives quite a mess (but it is fun!).
Egeltjes/ Hedgehocks
Once in a while, magazines could give good ideas. One of those ideas was a pear hedgehock, with nuts and raisins. It looks nice and tasted really good.
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Mat's luie dag/ Mat's lazy day
Soms is het heerlijk een luie zaterdag te hebben (helemaal omdat komende week druk wordt, omdat Matous op kamp gaat). Het is wel wat overdreven om een muts, twee dekens te hebben als het buiten lekker 23 graden is!
Sometimes it is great to have a lazy Saturday (especially with a campweek for Matous coming up). However it is a bit much to have a hat and two blankets, when it is 23 degrees.
Op de schommel/ On the swing
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Gek/ Mad
There are some crazy/mad days with many daft things happening. Tom sleeping on his desk (with the pillow and the blanket), Matous playing a MAD-game and Tomas with a great bee-hat.
Tom's art
Tom has been very creative lately and he wants to hang everything on the wall. He has find out that with a little (or sometimes a bit more) water he can hang a lot on the wall (but it will not always stay there).
Vrolijk in bad/ Fun in bath
Something can make a man/woman very happy. Since two weeks we have finally back the power on the shower and the bath. This also created more bubbles for the boys. The have sold bubbles-ice-creams and have had great fun in the quickly running bath.
Tom op trip/ Tom's trip
Tom's big day was going out with nursery to the Zoo and a castle. It was a whole day out on the bus. When Tom was finally back (they were just an hour late) it was obvious that he had had a great day.
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Een rupsje/ A caterpillar
In a garden you can find many animals and insects. Tom found a little caterpillar. He wonderfully took care of the little insect, with a nice leave and a warm spot in the sun.
Boomhut reprise/ Treehouse revisited
The treehouse is almost ready and in use by the boys. The boys enjoy climbing in. We found the ladder at the rubbish and now it is being used by the boys.
Friday, 9 May 2008
Kindermuseum/ Kidsmuseum
NO, Matous and Tomas did not get handicapped, but we have been to the children's museum. Here was an exhibition about "the life of a handicapped person". Mat and Tom could try all the different and educational things, like the wheelchair and the stick for blind people.
Twee verschillende jongens/ Two totally different boys
Het was mooi weer, wat duidelijk heeft gemaakt hoe verschillende Matous en Tomas zijn. Matous in korte broek, T-shirt met korte mouwen. Tomas in lange broek, T-shirt met lange mouwen, body-warmer (want het kon wel gaan sneeuwen).
It was a lovely day again, which has shown the differences between Matous and Tomas. Matous in shorts, short sleeves. Tomas in trousers, long sleeves and a coat (it could start snowing).
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Boomhut/ Treehouse
It has been great weather and we have been continuing our building of the treehouse (see Matous), but also eating of hot marshmallows (see Tomas). Both activities are not on the perfect score yet, Matous hit is finger and Tomas' marshmallow looks a bit dark. The treehouse is becoming almost like a castle (viewing only possible by agreement.
Fietsenrekje/ Missing tooth
Monday, 5 May 2008
Tom's huiswerk/ Tommy's homework
Tom is at home (sick, caughing) and it migth be that he has the streptokoks again (which he had last year). For the first time in our Czech history we heard the doktor say that it was not so bad (normally speaking, children have to stay home - in bed - for a couple of weeks. Tom is enjoying the time at home and started to make some homework, he is proud of his homeworks.
Christa's verjaardag/ Christa's birthday
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