After a long time of snow, has it become warmer and there is almost no snow in Brno anymore. This was reason for Mat and Tom to get on the bikes and ride along. Tom was willing to try to ride the bike without the supporting wheels!
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Op de fiets/ On the bike
After a long time of snow, has it become warmer and there is almost no snow in Brno anymore. This was reason for Mat and Tom to get on the bikes and ride along. Tom was willing to try to ride the bike without the supporting wheels!
Thuis spelen/ Playing at home
After a couple of days from home, the boys enjoyed playing at home and Matous has taken nice pictures. Playing is fun, even if Tom is not looking like that, but on the other hand he likes to pose as well.
Sneeuwkasteel/ Snowcastle
Verstopt/ Hidden
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Slee-en/ Sleigh
Lol in de sneeuw/ Fun in the snow
We have been a few days in Bystrice pod Hostynem for the Officers councils. The boys could come with us (because they had holiday). Staight from the car they jumped into the snow and had great fun.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Pakje uit Holland/ Parcel from Holland
Hondje op bezoek/ Dog visit
Restaurant Beeldman
Op een troon/ On a throne
Tom aan het zwemmen/ Tom swimming
Geduld in de gebedsruimte/ Patience in the prayerroom
A week ago we have had our day and night of prayer. In a part of the room we had space for practising of patience. Tom has been working hard to build houses and towers with playing cards.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Skien/ Skiing

Alweer een paar weken geleden is Matous met school wezen skien, maar nu hebben we er foto's van gekregen. Matous heeft zich erg vermaakt en vroeg bij thuiskomst dat alweer uitkijkt naar volgend jaar.
Some weeks ago, Matous has been on a skiing holiday with school, only recently we have received pictures of it. Matous has had a good time and when coming home, he said that he was looking forward to next year.

Saturday, 7 February 2009
Hoofdpijn/ Headache
Hoogspringen/ High jump

Een keer per jaar organiseert de sportclub van Matous een internationaal hoogspring wedstrijd, waar ook een aantal wereldtoppers naar toekomt. Vorig jaar was ik (Peter) met Matous wezen kijken, maar dit jaar zijn we met het hele gezin geweest en de jongens hebben genoten (en foto's gemaakt) en natuurlijk is Matous naar verschillende springers geweest voor een handtekening.
Meer informatie: a year the sports club that Matous is going to, is organising a international high-jump competition with some worldclass jumpers. Last year Matous and I (Peter) have been watching and this year we have been with the whole family. The boys enjoyed the game (and taking of pictures) and afterwards Matous has been collected autographs.
More information:
Sneeuwpop/ Snowmen
Het had weer even hard gesneeuwd en het zou weer warmer worden, dus alle reden om er even op uit te gaan een een sneeuwpop te gaan maken.
De jongens zijn grote bouwers (en heten niet eens Bob) en vinden het heerlijk om in de koude sneeuw te rollen. Maar kapottrappen is ook heel leuk
It had been snowing a lot and it would get warmer, so all sorts of reason to go out and make a snowman. The boys are great builders and enjoy rolling in the cold snow. But kicking the snowmen is fun as well.
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