Today we have visited the planetarium (see weblink for information in English). There was an Open House, which had an interesting programme with some shows about the universe, but also a show with all kinds of experiments. The experiments were great fun, but we have tried some at home and we haven't had much luck with our experiments.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Bezoek aan planetarium/ Visit to Planetarium
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Christa achter de piano/ Christa playing piano
Eindelijk is het gelukt! Een foto van Christa die aan het oefenen is op de piano. Veelal speelt ze als er niemand er is, maar nu is ze gesnapt! Met de nieuwe lerares gaat het geweldig en Christa heeft veel plezier in het piano spelen.
Finally! I have made a picture of Christa playing on the piano. Normally Christa plays when nobody is at home, but now I sneaked in and took the picture. Christa is enjoying the lessons with the new teacher and is improving really well.
Tom's hoekje/ Tom's corner
Sinds Tom naar school gaat, heeft hij ook zijn eigen hoekje onder zijn bed. Hier heeft hij zijn bureautje, eenplekje om huiswerk te maken, maar ook om lekker te spelen.
Tom is having his own little corner under his bed. He needs a desk to make his homework (yes, this starts already in first class), but
Twee engeltjes/ two little angels
Saturday mornings are great times to sleep or to read. Two littles angels enjoy this time and there is even space for two little dogs.
Pianoles/ pianolesson 2
Mat heeft alweer een paar weekjes pianoles en er is grote vooruitgang te zien en te horen. Hij heeft al een beetje beter houding en weet al meer noten goed te raken.
Ook Christa heeft nu les (helaas nog geen foto van Christa) van dezelfde pianolerares en gaat tegenwoordig met sprongen vooruit.
Already for weeks now, Mat is having pianolessons and we can see and hear the improvement. He is sitting better and he knows which notes to play.
Christa is having pianolessons as well (no pictures yet) and she is very enthusiastic about the teacher (same as Mat has) and is really improving.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Tom in eerste klas/ Tom in first grade

Tom is already going to school for some time, but already in the second week there has been a photograph taking pictures of the class and the kids. Last Friday the group pictures have been in the local newspapers.
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