Like many other places in Europe we also have some snow. There is a nice thick layer of snow, which is terrible for cars, but great for the boys. Matous has been sliding down in our garden.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Sneeuw/ Snow
Lezen/ reading
Christa has a new chair and Matous wanted to have the box. Matous really liked the box and created a nice space for himself to read.
Knuffeltje/ Cuddle toy
Lekkere stoel/ Comfie chair
Al heel lang wilde Christa een geweldig comfortabele stoel, maar daar was het nooit van gekomen. Nu eindelijk hebben we een geweldig comfortabele stoel (met massage!), dus is Christa dolgelukkig.
For a very long time Christa wanted to have a comfortable chair, but we never bought one. Finally we have bought a very comfortable chair (with massaging equipment), so Christa is very happy.
Feestje voor alle leiders/ Party for the leaders
In Ostrava was een feestje voor de leiders in het Leger des Heils, dus daar mochten we ook heen met de jongens. 's Middags waren er games en we hebben natuurlijk goed meegedaan.
Lekker zitten/ Comfortable chair
Tom de Piet/ Tom, our Black Piet
Sint Nicolas time is a great time of creativity and as custom is in Holland the black pete's fill shoes with some nice sweeties (it may sound bad, but it is a nice custom). Tom has taken the role of black pete and prepares something nice for the others in the house.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Pepernoten bakken/ Baking peppernuts
Friday, 19 November 2010
Pannenkoeken eten met oma/ Pancakes with granny
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Tom's birthday
Lampje/ little lamp
Sunday, 14 November 2010
ECF in Krnov
Een groep uit Brno (van de ECF) is op bezoek geweest in Krnov. Leuke dingen gedaan, zoals naar een concert gaan, maar ook op trip naar Cvilin en de ruine Selenburk (waar de jongens vorige week ook geweest waren.
A group from Brno (ECF group) has visited Krnov. We have done great things, like going to a concert, but we have also visited Cvilin and Selenburk (which we had visited last week as well).
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Fun at games/ Lol bij een spel
Winnen of verliezen is niet altijd belangrijk, het levert wel leuke foto's op.
When the kids are in bed, the parents can enjoy playing a nice boardgame; sometimes you win and sometimes you loose.
Winning or loosing is not always important, nice pictures is as important.
"cache" at Selenburk
After a long search through the forest, stinging nettles and other painful busehes, Matous found the next "cache". This time it
was a bigger box and we have traded many nice things.
was a bigger box and we have traded many nice things.
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