Like we have written already, Tom like to make things and here we can see that he has made a gitar-player.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Tom, de knutselman/ Tom our creativeman
Like we have written already, Tom like to make things and here we can see that he has made a gitar-player.
Tom aan het lezen/ Tom is reading
Lezen is zeker niet Tom zijn favourite bezigheid, Tom houdt van spelen, knutselen en natuurlijk tv kijken. Soms echter vindt hij lezen wel leuk en laat dit dan horen.
Tom is not a keen reader, he likes to play, be creative and of course watch telly. Once in while however he likes to read and will do this, so that we can hear.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Mats battle
Matous en Tomas zijn lekker aan het spelen. Ze hebben een Lego-filmpje gemaakt, dus nieuwe regisseurs zijn geboren.
Matous and Tomas have been playing nicely. They have made a Lego-film, so new directors have been born.
Matous and Tomas have been playing nicely. They have made a Lego-film, so new directors have been born.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Waterpokken/ Chickenpox
Tom will be home for a week, because he has the chickenpox. We have been at the doctors, who said that he has a nice atlas on his back with all the red dots.
Tom playing piano
Matous speelt al lang op de piano, maar nu wilde Tom ook even spelen.
Matous is already playing the piano for some time and now Tom wanted to play as well.
Matous is already playing the piano for some time and now Tom wanted to play as well.
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Slopen/ Demolition
Toen we naar Krnov kwamen, wisten we dat er iets gebouwd zou gaan worden. Die plannen lagen er al bijna 10 jaar en nu kon het eindelijk gebeuren. Wat later pas duidelijk werd is dat er eerst een oud gebouw gesloopt moest worden. Daar zijn ze 10 januari mee begonnen en ze gaan als een trein. Het is bijna niet meer te herkennen. In de tweede fase worden er porta-cabins geplaatst waar we dan een jongeren-centrum van kunnen maken.
When we came to Krnov, we knew that something would be build at our center. Those plans were already years old, but now it could finally start. Only later we found out that first something should be demolished. They started to demolish this the 10th of January and they go as fast as they can. It is almost unrecognisable. In fase two they will put some porta-cabins, in which we will start an youth-center.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Koperpoetsen/ Polishing brass
Christa has been enthusiasticly polishing some of the brass doorhandles. She has done a great job in doing so and she was even able to see herself in it (she must hava had good practice at WBTC).
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Koud buiten/ Freezing cold
Op weg/ On the road
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Vuurwerk/ Fireworks
Monkey town
On the last day of our visit to Holland we have been at Monkey Town. This is a big funpark for children (and torture-chamber for adults).
Bezoek uit Dalfsen/ Visit from Dalfsen
In a short time we have seen almost the whole family. Christa's brother also came with his family. The boys could play with their niece and cousin.
Even naar Alkmaar/ A quick visit to Alkmaar
Stoere Tom/ Tough guy
Kaassouffles/ Cheese snack
We have been in the Netherlands for a short visit. This meant that the boys finally could have their cheese-snack. Matous and Tomas have really enjoyed the cheese-snack, because they had not had this for more than a year and a half.
Kerst in he korps/ Christmas a the corps
We have celebrated Christmas in our corps. The children have read the advent-readings, but we have also played on the bariton and bass with the help of one of the boys from the corps.
Kerst maaltijd opvangcentrum/ Christmas meal at hostel
On the Czech Christmas day (24-12), we have had a meal at the hostel.We have shared the Christmas message and we have sung some carols.
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