Mat has braces. Last week he went to the dentist for taking the measurements and today they had it ready for him. He can easily put it in and take it out, so it is not too bad.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Mat's beugel/ Mat's braces
Mat has braces. Last week he went to the dentist for taking the measurements and today they had it ready for him. He can easily put it in and take it out, so it is not too bad.
Apie uitlaten/ Apie going out
Hammie en Apie
Kinderdag/ Children's day
Children's day is always a big celebration in Czech republic, so in Krnov as well. The town had done a great job, but unfortunately it was really bad weather. However the boys have enjoyed themselves.
Konijn - apie/ Rabbit - apie
FINALLY! That is what Tom is saying, finally he has a rabbit. He named him Apie 9very appropriate). Tom is very happy, content. He would love to have Apie in his room.
Het aapje/ the monkey
Jong-soldaten/ Junior soldiers
Tom is niet de enige die jongsoldaat zal worden, ook nog Matyas en Ales. Hier poseren voor het partner-korps Rotterdam Oost (en daarom heeft Tom de Nederlandse vlag).
Tom is not the only one who will become junior soldier, new junior soldiers will also be Matyas and Ales. They pose for the a picture for our partner-corps Rotterdam Oost (that is why Tom has the dutch flag).
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
AS Festival
Afgelopen zaterdag zijn we naar Brno geweest voor het AS Festival (trefdag) van het Leger des Heils. De jongens konden 's ochtends verschillende opdrachten doen om zo letters (geschreven op de arm) te verzamelen zodat ze een woord konden maken. Het was leuk en Matous was de snelste met het vinden van de oplossing.
Last Saturday we have been in Brno for AS Festival of The Salvation Army. The boys could do different tasks and collect letters (written on their arms)to make a word. It was great fun and Matous was the first to have the solution.
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Jongsoldaat/ Junior soldier
In the Salvation Army we have officers, soldier, but also junior-soldiers. Toms is preparing to become a junior-soldier. Junior-soldiers are children that know that they are a child of God and want to share this with others. Tom is being prepared to be the flag-bearer of the SA.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Bludny Balvan
Waterpompen/ Pumping some water
We have been on a trip again. First we visited Slezske Rudoltice, to watch firemen games (for children and youth). After that we have looked for a cache the church in Liptan. A nice place where the boys could pump water as well.
Monday, 9 May 2011
Chocolade fondue/ Chocolate dip
Christa has got a choclate dip for her birthday and we have tried this on Sunday afternoon. It was delicious, but
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Cvilin boom/ Cvilin tree
We have done another cache. First we had to find a special tree, solve some riddles and then find the second tree with a great hiding-place.
Cvilin uitkijktoren/ Cvilin Tower
The Beeldmans from Hoorn were visiting and on their last day we have visited the Cvilin tower. It give a great view, especially on a nice sunny day and there is a nice cache.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Tom's eerste wedstrijd/ Tom's first game
Tom heeft vandaag zijn eerste wedstrijd gespeeld. Het was een monsterlange wedstrijd (90 minuten) waarin Tom 30 minuten (waren 15 andere jongens) heeft gespeeld, heeft gescoord en hard heeft gevochten voor de bal.
Tom has played his first game. It was a very long game (90 minutes), and Tom has played 30 minutes (were 15 boys), he has scored and has fought to get the ball.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Christa's 40th Birthday
Het was een grootse happening.
Christa had her birthday, so we have organised a surprise-party at the Army. Many people came to celebrate with us and wish Christa all the best. We have had fun; there was cake, crisps and sausages (and that for vegetarians!).
It was an awesome party!
Sneeuw/ Snow
Op maandag hebben de jongens met Melissa (die op bezoek is) een watergevecht gehad omdat het geweldig mooi weer was, op dinsdag hebben ze e
On Monday the boys and Melissa (who is visiting) a waterfight, because it was great weather. On Tuesday they have made a snowman and had a snowball-fight, because it had been snowing.
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