Thursday, 25 August 2011
Markt in Ommen/ Market in Ommen
We have been in Ommen, a little town in which we had a great walk, that led to a very interesting windmill, that had just opened. We have been in the whole museum and mill, which was great for the boys.
De jongens vinden het geweldig om een dagje te gaan fietsen. Vanuit Dalfsen zijn we naar Vilsteren gefietst, waar we in het bos op zoek zijn gegaan naar een "cache". Cache niet gevonden, maar het was heel leuk in het bos.
The boys love to ride on bikes. We did ride the bike from Dalfsen to Vilsteren. In Vilsteren we have looked for a "cache" in the forest. We have not found the the cache, but we have had a great time in the forest.
Bakkerij Museum/ Bakers museum
Een dagje naar het Bakkerij museum, waar de jongens aan de slag konden om een gevulde koek te bakken. Ze hebben zich erg vermaakt, ook bij de show die een van de bakkers had.
A day at the Bakers museum was great fun. The boys could bake their own cookie. They have enjoyed the day at the bakery, ans also the show of one of the bakers.
A day at the Bakers museum was great fun. The boys could bake their own cookie. They have enjoyed the day at the bakery, ans also the show of one of the bakers.
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
The Rock- Show
Monday, 8 August 2011
Pluimvee museum revisited/ poultry museum revisited
We hebben ook een "echte" veiling meegemaakt, waar Tom 2 dozen eieren en een eierwarmer heeft gekocht. Mat heeft later met handje-klap een kuiken (speelgoed!) gekocht.
We have been with the whole family to the poultry museum. Again it was good fun and interesting. The boys have played on the wobbly chicken.
We have also been at an auction, at which Tom bought 2 boxes with eggs and a eggwarmer. Mat bought later with handje-klap (clapping with hands a traditional way of fixing a price) a little chick (toy).Bezoek/ visit
It is great to meet friends, especially when the come all the way from France. Robert-Jan, Marit and Angelina came to visit us and we have had a good time (we even played "I love Holland" -game.
Suske en Wiske
Suske and Wiske are well-known dutch comics and we have visited an interactive exhibition. This was great fun for the boys; they made their own comics and both were stronger than Jerom.
Lekker lui/ being lazy
Pluimvee Museum/ Poultry museum
Before picking up Matous and Christa after the SPA 2011, Tom and I have been to the Poultry museum, where we have seen many different chickens. Tom also has held some small chicks.
Schaapskooi/ Sheepfold
We have been to the sheepfold near Loenen, but we were there at the wrong time, because all the sheep were still out. This meant that Tom had time to build a hut.
Midgetgolf/ crazy golf
Tom wanted to play crazy golf, but that meant goign on a bike for 13 kilometers. It was a fun game and we have had a good time. The winner is still to be discussed.
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