High tree, autumn, so a lot, really a lot of leaves. The boys think it is great and have enjoyed themselves greatly.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Fun in bladeren/ Fun in all the leaves
Wild konijn/ wild rabbit
Tom zijn konijn (Apie) is soms erg wild, en vooral 's avonds wil hij graag rondrennen en met de sok spelen.
Tom's rabbit (Apie) is sometimes very wild and especially in the evenings he likes to run around and play with the sock.
Tom's rabbit (Apie) is sometimes very wild and especially in the evenings he likes to run around and play with the sock.
Mat's florbal game
Mat played another game of florbal (indoor hockey) and Christa has been there as well. They have played great games, but they have not won all games (and not lost all games). Mat is tired and Christa very proud.
Halloween cookies
Friday, 28 October 2011
Mat verkleed/ Mat dressed up
Lekker pizza eten/ Going out for pizza
Oma met de huisdieren/ Granny with the pets
Oma in Tsjechie/ Granny in Czech republic
Onze showman/ Our Showboy
Tom wil altijd graag een show geven en iets laten zien, dus niet alleen maar lekker rustig zitten, maar ook even een rap maken.
Tom likes to give show, so it is not always sitting quietly, but also making a little rap is fun.
Tom likes to give show, so it is not always sitting quietly, but also making a little rap is fun.
Tom's Halloween party
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Zondagsdienst/ Sunday worship
Op zondag hebben we ook een dienst gevierd waarin de kinderen een toneelstuk hebben gespeeld over bananen. We moeten een banaan proeven om te weten of het iets goeds is. Dit is hetzelfde met God, en de Bijbel; we moeten tijd nemen om uitvinden wat God voor ons wil doen.
We celebrated the Sunday with our Sunday meeting, a meeting in which the children performed a wonderful play about bananas; they had to take the time to taste the banana and discover how wonderful a banana taste. This is also with God and the Bible; we need to take time to find out what God can do for us.
We celebrated the Sunday with our Sunday meeting, a meeting in which the children performed a wonderful play about bananas; they had to take the time to taste the banana and discover how wonderful a banana taste. This is also with God and the Bible; we need to take time to find out what God can do for us.
Familiedag/ Family Day
Een andere actie tijdens het evangelisatie weekend was de Familie dag met verschillende programm-onderdelen, spelletjes voor kinderen, muziek en getuigenissen voor volwassenen, BBQ en "onze" jongens die een optreden hebben gedaan. Een groep van 5 mannen gebruikt ons centrum om muziek te maken en we bidden dat ze over een tijdje ook in diensten gaan helpen. Het was een geweldige dag met meer dan 250 mensen die mee hebben gedaan.
Another activity during the evangelisation, was the Family Day with games for the children, music and testimonies for adults, barbecue and a performance of "our" guys. This is a group of 5 guys that use our centrum to make music and we pray that in the future they could help us during our Sunday meetings. More than 250 people has been at this Family Day.
Een andere activiteit in Krnov waren 2 straatconcerten om mensen uit te nodigen voor andere Leger activiteiten in het thema "Krnov leeft" (door Jezus' dood). Op twee plekken gespeeld en meer dan 200 mensen hebben staan luisteren.
Another activity in Krnov have been 2 streetconcerts, this to invite people to other activities the Army organised in the theme "Krnov lives" (because Jesus died). The band played at two places and more than 200 people have been coming to listen.
Evangelisatie Weekend/ Evangelisation Weekend
A weekend full of activities, started with a good puppet-play by Christa and helpers. Great fun for the kids and Christa has done a great job as puppet.
Bij de tantes/ At the aunties
Tom had to play a game in Ostrava and the boys had a day off from school, so we went earlier to spend a night at the aunties (Janneke and Frieda). After a nights sleep that was a great breakfast, the boys are allowed to make the biggest sandwich with butter, cheese, chocolate sprinkels, sweeties and any other thing they can find!
Snoepje eten/ Eating some sweets
Christa had een mooie boeketje snoepjes voor haar verjaardag gekregen en Tom had al heel vaak gevraagd, wanneer het boeketje eindelijk opgegeten zou worden, dus heeft Christa besloten te gaan eten (tot vreugde van Tom).
Christa had gottena nice bunch of sweeties for her birthday. Tom has asked many times when we would eat the sweeties. Christa decided to finally eat the sweeties, whihc has made Tom very happy.
Christa had gottena nice bunch of sweeties for her birthday. Tom has asked many times when we would eat the sweeties. Christa decided to finally eat the sweeties, whihc has made Tom very happy.
Geestelijk weekend/ Spiritual Weekend
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Tom's eerste echte wedstrijd/ Tom's first real game
Tom is nu begonnen met competitie spelen. De eerste wedstrijd was in Přibor. Het andere team was iets sterker, maar Tom heeft genoten van de eerste wedstrijd in een nieuw tenue.
Tom has started to play real competition. The first game was in Přibor. The other team was a bit better, but Tom has really enjoyed his first game in the teamclothes.
Tom has started to play real competition. The first game was in Přibor. The other team was a bit better, but Tom has really enjoyed his first game in the teamclothes.
Boomhakken/ chopping trees
The boys have done some chopping of the trees, so that they could climbe better in the trees. Luckily the trees grow wild and fast, so no damage has been done.
Mat als koning/ Mat as the king
Mat heeft een spreekbeurt gehouden over Karel de 4de, en het idee van de juf was ook om te kleden als de persoon van de spreekbeurt. Dus Mat als koning!
Mat has done a talk about Charles the Fourth and the teacher had the idea to dress as the person of the talk. So, Mat the king!
Mat has done a talk about Charles the Fourth and the teacher had the idea to dress as the person of the talk. So, Mat the king!
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