Tom is having holiday this week, because nursery is scary without mum and the doctor has said that it would better if Tom would stay home for the rest of the week. Staying home is very flexible, Tom has been with me to the Army, where there was the games afternoon. Tom was keen on making pictures and here is Tom as the photographer (but he forgot something??)
Friday, 22 February 2008
Tom de fotograaf/ Tom the photographer
Tom is having holiday this week, because nursery is scary without mum and the doctor has said that it would better if Tom would stay home for the rest of the week. Staying home is very flexible, Tom has been with me to the Army, where there was the games afternoon. Tom was keen on making pictures and here is Tom as the photographer (but he forgot something??)
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Tom, het monstertje/ Tom the little creature
Tom came up with a new idea, to make a tongue of paper and then pretend to be a little animal (snake, lizzard, or something like that). He is a little boy with a lot of fantasy and like to play.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Tom zijn ballon/ Tom's balloon
Tom heeft deze week ook een beetje vakantie en is meegeweest naar de ouders and kinder ochtend in het Leger. Daar hebben we samen (en met de andere kinderen gespeeld, maar Tom heeft ook deze mooie (piraten) ballon gemaakt.
Verder heeft de dokter laten weten dat Tom de streptokokken bacterie heeft en dus aan de peniciline moet. We hopen dat dit ook weer snel over is.
Tom is having a bit of holiday this week and he joined me in going to the mums 'n' tots at the Army. We have played there together (but also with the other kids) and Tom made this beautiful (pirate) ballooon.
Furthermore the doctor has let us know that Tomas has the streptokok bacil, so he started on a treatment of peniciline. We hope that this will be over soon.
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Alvin en de/ and the Chipmunks

Christa and Matous are in Holland, Tom and I have stayed in Brno to protect our castle. Today we have been to the Chipmunks movie (had seen it also with Matous) and Tomas has made a great drawing of it. Tomas pays attention to the details, because all three chipmunks have a different colour shirt and Alvin even has an A on his (red) shirt.
Friday, 15 February 2008
Sprookjes restaurant/ Fairytale restaurant
One of the favorite restaurants, we (with our friends) like to visit is the Fairytale restaurant. They serve good food, they have a fun place for kids. So, in all a really great place to go to.
Cerna Hora bos en Kurim cukrarna/ Cerna Hora forest and Kurim cukrarna
An afternoon out to Cerna Hora (only half hour from Brno), was good fun. We have a good afternoon, good walk in the forest, played football and even messed up a local cukrarna (cake-shop), because they were not used having 9 people who would like a cake (or two) and a drink. It was good fun.
Een barbecue bij het huisje/ Fun at the cottage
It was only the 11th of February and we have been to our little cottage with the Bovan family. There was a great sunshine, so even with the low temperature it was a nice afternoon out, with a great barbecue.
Bezoekje aan Litomysl/ Visit to Litomysl
On a free Saturday we have visited Litomysl, a beautiful little town 80 kilometers north of Brno.
We have had good food and had great fun.
Friday, 8 February 2008
Twee slaapmutsjes/two sleeping beauties
A couple of weeks ago Tomas had a cold head when he was trying to sleep. Christa gave him a hat and he was heppy. Matous looked at it with some mixed feelings. In the end he decided that it was somehow interesting and asked for a hat as well. Since a couple of days we have two big boys who are sleeping with those crazy hats (must have been a mummy's idea).
Onze goochelaar/ Our magician
Matous is onze goochelaar en zo af en toe vindt hij het leuk een show to doen voor de rest van de familie. Hier laat Matous een balletje verdwijnen en moeten wij raden waar het is gebleven.
Matous is our magician and once in a while he likes to have a show for the rest of the family. Here Matous has made a little ball disappear and we had to guess what had happened.
Een nieuwe vriendin/ A new friend
Brno is an international town and we are not just meeting with Czech people, but with many different nationalities as well. Here, Carolina (Gracia) is visiting us and the boys loved playing with her (but Carolina??).
Theo (waar is thea)/ Funny teeth
Tomas heeft een tijdje geleden zijn gebit laten verbouwen en we kunnen wel mededelen dat het een groot succes is geworden. Het duo0 Theo en Thea bestaat niet meer, maar Tom neemt ons mee teurg in de tijd.
Tomas has been to the dentist and here you can see the prove of the quality of Czech dentist. We hope that in the coming days we will find a new and hopefully better dentist for improving the teeth.
Saturday, 2 February 2008
In het fietsenpark/ In the bike park
The 1st of February has been a day off (the start of the second half of the schoolyear), so we have been to the bike-park. It was a chilly day, but the boys have enjoyed playing in the park. Normally this is a very busy park, but with the winter temperature is was nice and quiet.
Een dagje uit met de klas/ A day out with the class
Matous has been on a trip at the end of the first half year of school (and I have been with them). The place was somewhere in the middle of the woods. It was a nice day out and during the day the report was read to all the children. Matous has learnt a lot and is doing very well and we hope that this continues likes this.
Bij de zwijnen/ At the pigs
Gel ontdekt/ discovered the gel
Twee voetballers in de dop?/ Two future football players
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