Today Matous has had his haircut. We have not been to a nice, well qualified hairdresser, but we found a cheap butcher. The result is well, so we think that the butcher might stay.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Bij de kapper/ At the hairdresser's
Today Matous has had his haircut. We have not been to a nice, well qualified hairdresser, but we found a cheap butcher. The result is well, so we think that the butcher might stay.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Jongens in het park/ Boys in the park
It seems the nice weather finally came, so we have been to the park, where the boys have played greatly. when I asked them for some nice pictures, then only were prepared to give me the funny faces looks, so herewith we show the beauties.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Saturday 26th of April was the very first Sportsday for Matous. He participated in 60 metres sprint, long jump, and throwing the ball (see the films). The weather was bad with rain, thunder, wind and cold, but is has been a good day.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
De kermis/ Funfair
Al een paar dagen hebben we een kermis (niet meer dan 7 "attracties") gezien en vandaag zijn we er dan echt even naar toegeweest. De jongens hebben gebotst met de hulp van Christa en Carolina. Ook zijn ze in een draaimolen geweest, waarmee ze op en neer konden. De kermis was niet groots, maar genoeg oom even een leuke tijd te hebben.
Already for a few days we have seen the funfair (not more than 7 rides) and today we actually have been there. The boys have been in the cars with the help of Christa and Carolina. The boys also have been in a merry-go-round that also could go up and down. The whole funfair was not great, huge, but is was sure fun.
Marianske udoli
Once in a while we like to go out with our little family. We have been to Marianske udoli, where you can really have good walks. On our paths we have found frogs (dead and alive), fish (also dead and alive), but also little snakes, turtles, so the boys have had good fun. We've also found a skull of an animal and we have this on our wall as a real trophy.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Een dagje uit/ going out for the day
The weather looked nice and we decided to go out for the day. First we would walk to the lake, we would have a picknick there and then we would walk back to the funfair (very small) that is in our neighbourhood. Coming at the lake, it started to rain a bit, but this changed in pouring and thunderstorm, so that was no fun. In the end we decided to have a meal in the restaurant. After the meal it was not raining much anymore, so we walked back on a very long and muddy path. On our way we found some worms, that the boys really liked. The funfair was not even open (because of the rain?), so we went for a ice-cream and went home.
In de boom/ In a tree
Soms moet Matous wachten om na school mee te kunnen. Van de week was dit ook het geval en had Matous een mooi plekje gevonden in de boom. Wij waren trots dat hij daar zo mooi zat, maar de volgende dag werd duidelijk dat niet iedereen er zo over dacht toen een jongetjes kwam zeggen dat het echt niet mocht en dat je er echt straf voor krijgt!
Sometimes Matous has to wait for his parents. This week this happened and Matous had found a great spot in the tree. We were proud with this achievement, but the next the it became clear that this is truly forbidden. A boy came to tell that you cannot climb the tree and if you do this that you can get some unpleasant punishment!
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Bezoek aan Ujezdec/ Visiting Ujezdec
Matous en Tomas hebben een nachtje mogen logeren en hebben er van genoten.
David and Kathryn (former pastors of us, now living in Margate, UK) were in their chalupe (little house) in Ujezdec. We have visited them there. Actually it is not a little house, but a normal family house, with a big garden with fruittrees and space for the boys to play.
Matous and Tomas have slept in the chalupa and really enjoyed this.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Een nieuwe hut/ A new treehut
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Op de fiets/ On the bike
Matous en Christa zijn naar het meer wezen fietsen, alwaar ze ook een kleine picknick hebben gehad. Op de heenweg was het fietsen goed te doen, maar terug was toch een behoorlijke klim.
Matous and Christa have been for a bike-ride to the lake. Going there was not a big problem, but going back was harder, because it is all the way up.
Danstalent/ Dancing King
Tom is ons groot talent wat betreft dansen. Hij vindt het heerlijk om te dansen (van wie hij het heeft???) en hierbij het bewijs.
Tomas is our great and wonderful dance talent. He loves to dance, see for yourself.
Tomas is our great and wonderful dance talent. He loves to dance, see for yourself.
Tsjechisch lezen/ Reading czech
Het is af en toe niet makkelijk om tsjechische boeken te lezen, maar zo te horen doet Matous het heel goed.
It is not always easy to read in a different language, but Matous seems to do it without problem.
It is not always easy to read in a different language, but Matous seems to do it without problem.
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