Tom was already in bed and wanted some water from his sports bottle, which was very difficult. So he used his teeth and this resulted in losing a tooth (which was already loose in his mouth). Tom was a bit upset, but also very proud. Finally he belongs to the big boys who already had lost a tooth!
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Tom's eerste tand eruit/ Tom's first tooth out
Tom was already in bed and wanted some water from his sports bottle, which was very difficult. So he used his teeth and this resulted in losing a tooth (which was already loose in his mouth). Tom was a bit upset, but also very proud. Finally he belongs to the big boys who already had lost a tooth!
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1 comment:
lieve Tommy
he zeg, wat zie ik??? is je tand er echt helemaal uit??
nog eventjes en dan kunnen we het echt zien--
liefs van opa dick en oma anneke
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